
EDGE uses XML-files for build- and runtime-configurations. Using XML-input for building EDGE through --xml=[...] is optional. All build arguments might also be passed to SCons directly. In contrast, passing XML-input for the runtime configuration through -x [...] is mandatory. Except for the verbose flag -v, no other command-line arguments are accepted.


The following shows an overview of all XML-nodes in EDGE. Dependent on the build-type, only a subset of the nodes is active. For example, a given velocity model (<velocity_model>) is only parsed for seismic problems. The comment <!-- [...] --> indicates, that a node is allowed to appear multiple times in the XML-tree. .. code-block:



        <!-- [...] -->

        <!-- quality factors for viscoelastic builds only -->
      <!-- [...] -->

      <!-- attenuation config for viscoelastic builds only -->

        <!-- [...] -->

      <!-- [...] -->



        <!-- [...] -->


        <!-- [...] -->


The node <edge> is the root of both, the runtime- and the build-configuration.


The node <build> describes the build-configuration and is only used by SCons. EDGE also parses <build> at runtime, however the information is only logged and does not influence runtime behavior.

Attribute Allowed Values Description
cfr 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 Number of concurrent/fused forward runs. 1, 4, 8, and 16 are typically used.
equations advection, elastic, viscoelastic3, viscoelastic4, viscoelastic5, swe Equations solved. advection: advection equation, elastic: elastic wave equations, viscoelastic3-5: elastic wave equations with frequency-independent quality factors and 3, 4 or 5 relaxation mechanisms, swe: shallow water equations.
element_type line, quad4r, tria3, hex8r, tet4 Element type used for spatial discretization. line: line elements, quad4r: 4-node, rectangular quads, tria3: 3-node triangles, hex8r: 8-node, rectangular hexes, tet4: 4-node tets.
order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .. Convergence rate of the solver. 1: Finite volume solver (P0 elements), 2-9: ADER-DG solver (P1-P8 elements).
mode release, debug, release+san, debug+san Compile mode. release: fastest option, debug: debug flags and disabled optimizations, debug/release+san (gnu and clang): same as debug/release, but with sanitizers.
arch host, snb, hsw, knl, skx, knm, avx512, aarch64 Targeted architecture. host: uses the architecture of the machine compiling the code, snb: Sandy Bridge, hsw: Haswell, knl: Knights Landing, skx: Skylake, knm: Knights Mill, aarch64: Arm Neoverse N1
precision 32, 64 Floating point precision in bit. 32: single precision arithmetic (recommended), 64: double precision arithmetic.
parallel none, omp, mpi, mpi+omp Shared and distributed memory parallelization. none: disabled, omp: OpenMP only, mpi: MPI only, mpi+omp: hybrid parallelization with MPI and OpenMP.
cov yes, no Support for code coverage reports.
tests yes, no Unit tests. yes: builds unit tests in the separate binary tests.
build_dir /path/to/build_dir Path to the build-directory. Temporary files and the final executable(s) are stored in the build-directory.
xsmm yes, no, path/to/xsmm LIBXSMM support. Available only for ADER-DG and seismic settings.
zlib yes, path/to/zlib zlib support.
hdf5 yes, path/to/hdf5 hdf5 support.
gmsh yes, path/to/gmsh Gmsh support.
inst yes, no EDGE’s high-level code instrumentation through the Score-P library.


The node <cfr> describes the runtime configuration of the forward simulations. <cfr> does not hold any attributes. In the case of fused simulations, children of <cfr> are either shared among all forward simulations or describe varying configurations from run to run. An example of a shared configuration is the child <mesh>.


<mesh> describes the used mesh of all, possibly fused, simulations.

Node Attributes Description
in <base/>, <extension/> <base/>: base-path to the input-mesh. This excludes the partition-id. <extension/>: file-extension of the mesh files.
boundary <free_surface/>, <outflow/>, <periodic/> <free_surface/>: id of free-surface boundary conditions (typically 101), <free_surface/>: id of outflow boundary conditions (typically 105), <periodic/>: id of periodic boundary conditions (typically 106)

Example: Assume our mesh has two partitions stored at my_path/mesh_1.msh and my_path/mesh_2.msh and corresponding mesh-annotations at my_path/mesh_1.h5 and my_path/mesh_2.h5. Further, we’d like to assign faces with id 101 as free-surface boundaries and those with id 105 as outflow boundaries, then we would use:



The node <velocity_model> describes the used velocity model, currently limited to the three elastic material parameters, given by the mass density \(\rho\) and the two Lame parameters \(\mu\) and \(\lambda\). Alternatively, the velocity model can be defined as part of the mesh’s annotations (see Sec. EDGE-V) We utilize EDGE’s generic domain approach for the velocity model. Here, we define one or more domains for a velocity model, each of which allows for a constant set of material parameters.

Node Nodes/Attributes Description
domain <half_space/>, <rho/>, <lambda/>, <mu/> <half_space>: One or more half-spaces building the domain (see separate description)., <rho/>: mass density \(\rho\), <lambda/>: Lame parameter \(\lambda\), <mu/>: Lame parameter \(\mu\), <qp/>: qualityfactor \(Q_P\) (only for viscoelastic settings), <qs/>: qualityfactor \(Q_S\) (only for viscoelastic settings),


The node <domain> describes EDGE’s generic domain approach and might be used to describe different geometric settings. A domain is defined by a set of geometric entities, currently limited to half-spaces. When searching for the corresponding domain of an element in the mesh, EDGE iterates from top to bottom through the defined domains. The first domain, which contains the element, is the one from which the respective parameters are read. E.g., if domains are used to describe the velocity model in a fully elastic setting, we would store the mass density \(\rho\) and the two Lame parameters \(\mu\) and \(\lambda\) for every domain.

For a single domain itself, the domain contains the element if and only if all geometric entities of the domain contain the element.

Node Description
half_space One or more descriptions of a half-space.


The node <half_space> describes a half-space as geometric entity of a domain. Each half-space consist of an origin and a normal. The origin shifts the hyperplane in space, while the normal gives the orientation of the hyperplane. Points on the side of the hyperplane, to which the normal points, are considered to be in the half-space. Points on the hyperplane itself and within a small error margin are typically considered to be inside the half-space. This, however, might depend on where the <half_space>-node is used. All other points are outside.

Node Attributes Description
origin <x/>, <y/>, <z/> x-, y- and z- coordinates of the origin. For two-dimensional setups <z/> is ignored. For one dimensional setups, both, <z/> and <y/>, are ignored.
normal <x/>, <y/>, <z/> x-, y- and z- coordinates of the normal. For two-dimensional setups <z/> is ignored. For one dimensional setups, both, <z/> and <y/>, are ignored.


The node <setups> describes the setups of the fused simulations. A setup is given by initial values or source terms, and the shared end time of all fused simulations.

Node Attributes Description
attenuation <central_frequency/> <frequency_ratio/> Central frequency and frequency ratio of the attenuation frequency band.
point_sources <file/> One or more HDF5-files, each containing a point source description for a single fused simulation.
end_time   End time of the fused simulations.
initial_values   Initial values of the degrees of freedom (just-in-time generated code). Examples are available from EDGE’s assets repository. This is an optional parameter, default behavior sets all DOFs to zero.


EDGE supports three types of simulation output, summarized by the node <output/>. The different types can be activated separately:

  • Wave field output writes all quantities for the constants modes of all fused simulations and elements. A fixed sampling interval determines the frequency of the wave field output. As a side-effect, wave field output enforces synchronization of the entire simulation. Thus, if enabled, the last time step before each output point is adjusted to match the desired time exactly.
  • Receivers write point-wise output of all quantities for all fused simulations. The polynomial basis is evaluated accordingly. To match output points between two time steps in time, an ADER time prediction is evaluated.
  • Convergence settings might write errors in the L1-, L2-, and \(\text{L}^\infty\) norm. The errors are computed at the end of simulation by comparing the obtained result to the analytical reference solution through quadrature rules. Here, we oversample the error computation by using a quadrature rule one order above the DG-solution. As usual, errors for all quantities and all fused simulations are written.


Attribute Allowed Values Description
type vtk_ascii, vtk_binary ASCII or binary (recommended) VTK output.
file   Path to the output files. Each rank writes in its own directory. For example: loh3_uns_200/wf will write the output of the third synchronization point to loh3_uns_200/0/wf_0_3.vtk for the first MPI-rank and to loh3_uns_200/1/wf_1_3.vtk for the second MPI-rank.
int   Interval of the wave field. For example 0.75, will write the output at 0, 0.75, 1.5, […].
sparse_type   Sparse type of the elements, which are written. For example, for seismic workloads, 101 would only write elements at the free-surface. All elements are written, if not set.


Attribute Allowed Values Description
path_to_dir   Path to the output directory of the receivers, will be created if it doesn’t exist.
freq   Sampling of the written data, e.g., using ``<freq>0.1</freq> would write output at 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, …
receiver   One more more receivers for which data is written.


Attribute Allowed Values Description
name   Name of the receiver.
coords <x/>, <y/>, <z/> x-, y- and z-coordinates of the receiver.
receiver   One more more receivers for which data is written.


Attribute Allowed Values Description
type sout, file, sout_file Writes the error-norms either to standard-out, file or to both.
file   Path of the file to which the error-norms are written
reference_values   Reference values (just-in-time generated code) after completion of the simulation. Examples are available from EDGE’s assets repository.